About Us

Walter & GeorgeAnn have been married 48 years and hope to stay married for a long time after this cruise! After we married we went to Florida for college and raised 4 children there. We are septuagenarians and have been retired for a number of years.

Just prior to retirement we bought a cabin in the foot hills of the Smoky Mountains. This was a dream come true for GA as she loves hiking in the shady mountain places. Walter grew up spending many summers with his family living on a boat traveling from the Chesapeake to the Florida Keys.

Little did GA know that her husband had an untold dream: to go around 1/3 of America by boat! One night last August Walter told GA about his dream never expecting her to want to do this. But that night GA sat up until very late researching this trip. She discovered there was a name for this cruise: “The Great American Loop”. It looked like quite an adventure! So the next morning she shocked her husband by saying, “I'm in, let's do it!” Why? Maybe because she didn't know anyone that had done this and therefore it was unique...just like her two hikes to the bottom of the Grand Canyon! She loves doing something new & different.

If you happen to travel the coastal waters, Canadian canals, Great Lakes, midwest rivers or the Gulf coast from Mobile to FL. in 2013/2014 look for the tan one, Walter, and the one with long sleeves, long pants and a big hat, GA!