Sunday, April 27, 2014

Home Port

Today as we neared home I thought about the first time we were at Northwest Creek Marina. We had come there in search of a was for sale.  After our tour we stepped back out on the dock.  A boat was coming into the slip next to where we stood.   An old lady (probably younger than me!) was standing on the bow with a rope in her hand.....yea!  I still called them “ropes” then....  This gal threw the line to the dock hand seemingly so expertly that I applauded!!!  Would I ever learn to do this and to understand if the line goes over or under the rail??!  So much was still a mystery to me!

It was so good pulling into our home port and being called by our first names by the dock Master....nothing like home!  

(By the Captain:  the First Mate adroitly lassoed not one but two pilings when we came into the slip!!! )

We had made two trips with a large cart to unload what we thought were the “Necessities” for our first night at the dirt house.  Still we forgot some important stuff so Walter is on his way to Walmart which is a lot closer to our house than our boat.

As we pulled into the driveway at 5:30p today we saw a neat sign someone (Neighbors?) made for was so pretty... and a big surprise!   We loved it!

Well, dear blog readers this is my last blog for now until our next great Adventure...instead of shortening our bucket list it got longer! many places on the water we would like to go back to and spend more time exploring.

I thought I would find the house huge but it is not a big house...but one thing that did look enormous to me was the washer when I looked inside...Whoopee!  And the Dryer also!  I will now be able to wash more than one towel at a time.  

I awoke this morning with a terrible stomach ache and I still have it....amazing, being well all this time and now this uncomfortable I allergic to going home to the dirt house?...doubt it...was probably the spicy fried food I ate last night.  I am not sure if the tummy problem is causing me to feel exhausted but I do....AGAIN, we praise God for keeping us well almost the entire year on the water!  And for those of you who prayed for us.

Will we have a water adventure again?  We sure hope so!

Blessings to all!

1 comment:

  1. I discovered your blog while researching the tenntom waterway. Stayed up reading your adventures for several hours. Thanks for keeping such a wonderful log.
