Monday, April 14, 2014

Thunderbolt Georgia near Savannah

This morning we found lots of evidence of our pests from yesterday......dead bodies all over the bridge!

Their replacements came today!!  However, this time we used a special device we bought before we left on this Loop trip.  It is a ThermoCell Repellent which when turned on clears 225 sq. ft of pests and it worked great!

We left early under heavy cloudy skies.

Since we had not seen much traffic yesterday I was happy to see this little tug and tow coming down the Channel.

We saw some large homes near Moon River on the ICW.

This was their view....just marshes across the water.

Isle of Hope Marina.

Where we saw our friend's boat, Journey.

As we got closer to Savannah there were very large homes along the Intracoastal Waterway.

This one had four chimneys!

We thought this was an interesting building...probably condos.

Then came Thunderbolt Marina where many large boats are harbored.

Like this one.

We knew from listening to others making reservations that it would be full so we came on to Morningstar Marina where we are sandwiched between two other boats!

The tide is out here and to get off the piers we had to walk up this steep floating ramp...holding on and pulling myself along...coming back down was a bit will be wet tomorrow!

It only took us 4 hours to get here and we are staying two nights because of the 100% rain forecast for tomorrow.

There is a nice little restaurant just half a block away so we walked there for lunch.

We had their $5 special of hamburger steak, southern (delicious) green beans and rice and gravy. Yummm!

Just down from the restaurant was this crooked old oak tree.

We pretty much supplied the boat before leaving Jacksonville but had forgotten bread so we walked about a mile to a Bi-Lo Grocery store.

Hope to continue our trek up the coast on Wednesday and be in Charleston, SC by Thursday afternoon.

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