Monday, August 26, 2013

Hot & Humid in Michigan City, IN

The heat and humidity here today reminds me of Florida in the summer....near record highs expected tomorrow!   Feels like index is predicted to be 107 degrees!  I was up in the middle of the night because the aft cabin was so hot. The good news is the AC guy came today, discovered the problem and will get the part to us when we go to Chicago.  In the meantime he showed us how to run both AC units to keep the aft & forward cabins cool.

Another good thing:  we found a boat yard to haul our boat (lift the boat out of the water).  So on our way to our Friday destination which is downtown Chicago we are stopping at East Chicago Marina Tuesday night...... part of the “haul out” expense also includes us staying at their marina for three nights.   It will be so good to know that the stuffing box for the port rudder shaft is no longer leaking.... it's under the carpet on MY side of the bed!   This should definitely help with the occasional nightmares of waking and stepping in water! :-)

Today we manage to sightsee and get the laundry done.  We are beside pretty Washington Park so we put a load in the dryer (I wash the clothes on board) and took off for the Lighthouse tour just across the parking lot here.  As is our usual outcome the lighthouse is not opened on Mondays!  But we did walk around the grounds and the park next to it.

First, here is a pretty flower bed in front of the marina office.... we think the flowers are planted to spell M C Port (Michigan City Port).   I only discovered this while editing today's photos so you are looking at it sideways! 

And one of the many pots of flowers all around the marina.

An 1858 Lighthouse

Side of lighthouse

The Park next to Lighthouse has an amphitheater in tiers on the grassy bank next to Trail Creek.

More of Park beside the Creek

Then up on the bridge in above photo looking back at the Park we could see a nice outside area with tables.

From here we continued our walk trying to find a large outlet mall which was suppose to be only 4 blocks from the marina but turned out to be 8 city blocks.  I consumed two bottles of water on the way back to the boat!

Looking forward to our time in the “Windy City”... could use a breeze!!

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