Monday, August 5, 2013

Repair Day in Parry Sound

Here is how our day started...Walter watching from hatch and mechanic in engine room.

While Walter worked on getting the generator fixed I did laundry using the boat washing machine and the marina dryer. 

Long before I finished the wash the generator was fixed!  And today is a holiday here...took only an hour to find and fix the problem!

I went for a long walk this morning on a trail that starts near the marina. Canada has lots of pretty parks and Parry Sound is no exception.

Parry Sound.

Clear beach water.

BEACH! Yes that is sand... at least it felt like sand walking on it... you probably can't see them but there were three teenage girls in the water... they kept as much of their bodies below the water as possible … to come out meant to freeze!

When I got back the Captain & I washed down the fore deck and then went to a local cafe for lunch with Bob & Monique, our Looper friends. The guys went back to the marina and Monique and I explored the town.   It was so nice to have some “girl” time!

Here are the Four Loopers!

Tomorrow we will go to the post office when it opens at 830a and then hopefully exchange some American cash for Canadian at a local bank and then be off to see some more of Georgian Bay.... to anchor be rocked to sleep by the dream a little dream.....

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