Monday, August 12, 2013

No Where to Run!

Sun's up and we were cruising at 720a.  Chilly but seemed warmer than yesterday morning.

By the time we got out of our Harbor and into the North Channel the view changed to foggy air over the water.

Even though there was fog we were blessed to have such a flat sea today.

Then we went through some rain and a bit more fog. The main problem is the Captain has to keep wiping off the isinglass in front of him... ONLY dry seat is his so I am not up there much.... unless I am standing behind his chair.

Then the sun came out and it looked promising.

At 12:26p we were on collision course with large thunder storm!     It looked far away and may have been but they can move VERY fast.... it appeared to be on the other side of our turn into our destination, the channel leading to Drummond Island, where we had to pull in to see the Customs inspectors... had to clear THREE agencies!  Things are really different since 9/11 for traveling on the water.

We thought we could beat the storm to our port so we ran up the engines!

It was interesting the way the clouds sometimes took on the color of the water.

Then it was on us just as we pulled into the harbor entrance.

AND over us!

It was hard to tell the difference in where the clouds stopped and the water started.

Walter standing to pilot the boat...
There are no other places along our route today to dock or anchor....except this Island.  The Captain felt he should circle until the wind and rain became less.  We have docked in rain but not in this much wind... he figured the wind must have been close to 40MPH as the boat in gear was standing still when we turned into the wind.  Also, other islands later reported 40 MPH winds today.

Hard to see those markers in this sometimes shallow harbor. Visibility Low!

A storm survivor. Mr. Beaver who lives right here in a boat shed. 

Two Custom's officers were here before we finished tying up... one came aboard... he had to climb over rail the way we do when the ladder is not down yet.  He looked through the boat... I guess two old people looked innocent enough.....We filled out forms and exchanged recipes.. yes!  We talked about pulled pork that he had just cooked this past weekend... he could smell mine.  The Captain discovered our inverter will operate our wee little crock pot while we are cruising.  I put a 1.6 lb pork roast in that pot with barbecue spices and sauce this morning and it was ready when we arrived...... yummy dinner tonight.

The Captain is reviewing our options for tomorrow when this Grand Adventure will continue..... God willing and the Creek don't rise!   How blessed we are to have “options”!

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