Sunday, August 18, 2013

Swans, Sunsets and Sweet Moonlight

We decided to stay in Frankfort for another day..... we have important mail that needs to catch up with us.

Had a wonderful Pajama Day....well, not quite true.   One must rise and dress on a boat in case a friendly boat neighbor knocks on your door with a cup of coffee plus there are windows every where.  But we did move deliciously slow this a.m..... after rising at 8a I had my green tea and read and didn't have breakfast until nearly 10a.

Behind our boat this morning.... was it Swans or fluffy mooring balls?

The sun dipping into Lake Michigan.

Moonlight on our water tonight.

The Adventure tomorrow should be interesting.....hint: it is something I have never done before.... well, duh! What about this whole thing have I ever done before?!  What will it be like? Amazing would not surprise me!  

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