Friday, July 5, 2013

A Little Chateau?

We began today's Adventure by going under the Parley Pont Bridge just beyond our dock.  Then we passed very close to the beautiful home and grounds of a Gold Looper, Wayne Assaly, who has completed the Loop twice!  He was so kind when he spotted our looper flag by coming over to our boat and giving us his name & phone and told us he would loan his car if we needed to go for groceries.  He also invited us to spend time with he and his wife and I am sure we could have gleaned much good info from them. However, I had hurt my back lifting fenders during our locking through yesterday and just needed to stay put and heal for today's trip.  

After two hours with a half knot current against us we stopped at a fuel dock... the last place to get less expensive diesel before getting into the Rideau Canal & Ottawa. ….and one of the few places that actually sells diesel.

Before you get too envious of the fuel prices here let me tell you that this is NOT per gal but per liter!  We don't stop very often for fuel because of our large fuel tanks and because we go SLOW.

We were delighted to find out that the Chateau Montebello had one spot on their visitor dock open for us!  This is the largest log structure in the world built in 1930 just at the beginning of the Great Depression.  It is entirely built of logs from British Columbia brought by the Canadian Pacific Railway. The first log was laid on August 7, 1930 and it took thousands of workers, going day and night to complete the six-pointed starshaped log structure in ONLY 3 months!!  Ten thousand red cedar logs were used.  It is a luxury hotel that has entertained the rich and famous.... we ate lunch with the rich but the famous were disguised... I'm sure they were there though.....


This was some of the view from our lunch table.

Garden and end of one of the six wings the Chateau.

There were several patios with outdoor food service. This is the one we chose and we had the most delicious hamburger!

Here you can see more of the architecture of the Chateau.

Beautiful grounds all around the Chateau!

Miss gg parked on the Visitor dock.

GA is shrinking!

The central room inside the Chateau has a stone fireplace that is SIX individual fireplaces in a hexagon pattern. The chimney on this rises in the open room through all three stories.

View from first balcony.

Formal Dining Room

Even the Marina Office is made of logs!  They had instructed us to leave a $20 deposit when we docked.  When we got back to the office just before we left we discovered there was no charge for docking since we ate lunch there & they refunded the $20.  How nice!

We are on the hook tonight and just before anchoring the afternoon storm appoached.

Our Anchorage... seems remote... right?

Here is the view from the other side of the boat...ha!

The sun came out after we lowered the anchor but then the clouds moved in again and it is raining steady now.   But it can't rain on this Parade!  See you in Ottawa tomorrow!


  1. What a neat/beautiful chateau! You look wonderful nights HUGE chair!

    1. Oops, "nights" was supposed to be "in that." Sometimes this thing and autocorrect have a mind of their own. Sorry!

  2. So interesting! LOVE the pictures!!!!!
