Monday, July 15, 2013

Day Two in Portland Ontario

The Pink Glow after Sun Down 

We continue to wait on engine repairs in the stickiest & hottest weather that Canada has had for some years.  It reminds me of the Florida Keys except in the Keys there is almost always a BREEZE.. .not so here.  We got our exercise by walking back and forth to the little hot laundry house here. Two washers, two dryers and no windows.  Just enough floor space to load and unload machines.  But we are all caught up on the clothes washing.  :-)

The mechanic came about 930a and shortly discovered it was the starter on the starboard engine and not the solenoid which can be a more complicated fix.  He said there was a guy in Smiths Falls (where we were last) that rebuilds these starters and after getting a strong young man to help him he lifted the over 100 lbs starter out of the engine hole and drove it to Smiths Falls. The boat trip took some time but by car it is only 20 minutes.

Late today we found out that the shop in Smiths Falls has taken the starter apart and cleaned it and ordered the new parts which are due to arrive by 10a tomorrow.  He will then put it back together and bring it here for our mechanic to reinstall it.  We don't want to get our hopes up but it would seem very possible that we will be leaving here by Wednesday morning keeping us on track for Kingston Ontario by Thursday night.  Where we are having our mail forwarded from North Carolina.

I wanted to at least try the walking tour today ….92 degrees! ...but after climbing one hill to take a photo of a 1861 church I had to give up and retreat to the AC on board Miss gg.  

So I leave you tonight with this one photo of this town... a church that was built out of Cambrian Sandstone by the same artisans that came to the wilderness of upper Canada to build the Rideau Canal.  These men liked the area so much that they stayed and helped build this community.

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