Monday, July 29, 2013

Cruising to Bobcaygeon

We were not in a hurry to leave Buckhorn this morning because our trip today would probably take us less than 3 hours.  However, when we were ready we had air in both engines! Before we left New Bern Walter had installed fuel filter vacuum gages to read pressure drop across the fuel filters. Okay, I do not know what all this means either!  But the Captain detected that these gages were the cause of air getting into the fuel system.  So he decided to take them out this morning and then used the priming pumps to get the air out of each engine. This all worked well and we were off with the Cats (two caterpillar engines) running beautifully.

We traveled through Buckhorn Lake to Pigeon Lake which we were on until we turned into the channel leading us to Bobcaygeon and the next lock on the Trent-Severn Canal..... number #32. (45 locks total)

Here is a fun “high” diving board down on the water from a home we passed.

We hoped the area below the water was very deep cause here was a sign not too far away from this diving area.  It says “Submerged Rocks”!

This was a bridge we passed under approaching Bobcaygeon. 

We saw many large and lovely homes along the water here... here is our pick of the day for the yellow flowers.....but they are hard to see.

We thought this was a cottage because it was so large but it was apparently the boat house!

Bobcaygeon is a great little town with lots of good smelling restaurants... we couldn't resist having lunch in one of them... then found the laundromat and got caught up on that chore.......

Here we are on the Lock wall tonight... blue line across from us.

We have been watching houseboats come in all day... these are rentals... folks on board are very nice... one group even caught our lines for us.....but frankly most don't seem to know how to run their houseboat.... we will probably be locking with a bunch of them tomorrow.  One just in was crosswise in the canal until he figured out how to maneuver the stern to the wall.  The lock masters usually take the houseboats in first and make sure they are tied and then let us & other cruisers in but then there is the getting out of the lock which can be scary with these big barges, too... even letting them go first out … if they swing around too wide they can do some real damage!

Lock master's house from the 1800s... taken down from another lock and reassembled here. There were some interesting old photos inside and a loft inside where he slept.

This is the swing bridge just ahead of where we are docked. Tomorrow the lock crew will “swing” it, flower pots and all, when the lock opens at 9a. This bridge is part of the main road into the little town of Bobcaygeon.

And here is the Captain with his Canadian Charts, calculator on the Ipad and the helpful waterway guide planning our next day's cruise.

I'm so glad he invited me along on this Adventure... I hope you will join us again tomorrow.

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