Sunday, July 14, 2013

Waiting Engine Repairs in Portland Ontario

Big Rideau Lake: Our View from Port side of Miss gg

It was so nice to sleep in to nearly 7a this morning. Daylight showed a deserted Marina. They came and got their boats yesterday and we think some stayed over night on them some where. And all came back later today probably because of work tomorrow.....Oh!  We are so privileged to have time to wander this beautiful country, to live the Captain's dream!

And speaking of the Captain, you just can't keep a sailor from the sea... here he is about to go adventuring around the area.  Me?  I stayed in the AC. Truth is the dinghy ride was a quicker way to get to other side of our marina here... to their boat supply store by the marina office and the washer & dryer.  It's not a big marina but just constructed differently.... to go on foot it is about one block up and two or three blocks over to another street and then down to the Marina..... no floating dock connects this side.

I was real lazy today just hanging out in the AC.  Walter did read a bit but wanted to wash the boat this morning before it got too hot.  I could have gotten down off the boat and taken a better photo but just stayed in the cool of the salon. :-) 

Then the Captain worked on shortening the cable for the winch that hauls the dinghy up and down. The First Mate?  Come on, you know where she was!

We paused our movie tonight so the Captain could go outside and check on some caulking he put around the front windows.   He found he had missed a few places so caulked some more while the first mate could only take a photo from inside the boat, yea, in the AC... yes, it's finally gotten hot in Canada! 

We await the mechanic tomorrow hoping he can fix Miss gg and we can be on our way again. But if not we are content to rest a while IN the AC! :-)  

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