Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The View from My Office

Where would I even apply for this kind of job?  Where in deed?!  But I got it........  By default or design?  You decide... I KNOW the answer!

I sat on the foredeck as we were leaving Ottawa this morning. There was a light & cool breeze in my face.  It felt delicious... ooooo I thought how very blessed I am to be doing this.  I also thought about the new friends we met in this city. The interesting young couple that stopped by the boat and chatted with us until nearly 11p.  A new Looper couple, Ray & Arline and the young girl, Taylor, who took pictures of us at the top of the flight of locks into Ottawa.  She is from North Dakota but has lived and worked in Toronto for 10 yrs.  She was in the city for the biggest concert that Canada has.... the Blues Festival that last two weeks.  Seems the concerts are following us... the Dixie Chicks (blues??) preformed the first night and BB King was to be on stage the last night. Taylor has already emailed me!  This trip is not just about the places we will see but about the people... the new friends.
Leaving our Dock in the City of Ottawa

Along the Rideau Canal

We were still near Ottawa when we had to wait until 9a for a low and very busy car bridge to lift for us.  We idled the engines and were a bit surprised to see that the bridge didn't really lift that much!  We went under another bridge just before getting to this one.

With our Mast down it was just high enough for us to get under!
More views from my office :-)

A Boy's Summer Camp with their own Pirate Ship!

Girl's Summer Camp Kayak Racing
So many Pretty Yards along the Rideau Canal

Here is a close up view of a not so pretty Lock wall with weeds growing on it...... I waited on the bow for the water to rise while holding tight to the bow line that I had run under the fourth cable hanging from the top of the lock wall.  These cables are attached to the lock wall both top and bottom.

The last picture tonight is Miss gg waiting in a shady place for a lock to open. We went through 8 locks today but not all at once... sometimes there was one or two and only once there was three. We pulled into our marina early to get a pump out, wash clothes and fill our water tank.  Ready for a new Adventure tomorrow!

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