Thursday, July 25, 2013

On the Water to Peterborough Ontario

Today and yesterday have been delightfully chilly!  Wore my wool sweater over my long sleeve T-shirt today until we reached the first and only lock we did today.  Yesterday I had a cold wind in my face on the deck but today it was not windy and has warmed to a very pleasant day.   Don Bennett, the Harbor host here for the America's Great Loop Cruiser's Asso dropped by with lots of info on the Loop from here to Chicago.  He also brought his wife's home made strawberry jelly.   He told us this cooler weather is more normal for Canada in the summer.

We were on a big lake and then a river most of the day.  We have stopped just past lock #19 which is at the town of Peterborough. There was a short city dock wall but not long enough for us so the lock master called the local marina for us and we have an outside T dock which is great.  We thought it would be a long day but we docked here about 1:30p after leaving at 815a.  I had time to wash the Isinglass on the sun deck.  However, it is so scratched up that only Walter and I can tell the difference when it is clean.  

We saw a few interesting water “toys” today.

We traveled Rice Lake which is a vast expanse but averages only 7 feet in depth! 

Lots of pretty yards. 

But this was our favorite because of the SMILEY! 

This was the first bridge we came to.....had to lower the radar mast to get under it. 

We passed several people in Kayaks. This one had a dog on board. 

I loved this old Willow Tree.... we also saw old growth ones like this in Kingston, NY.   We thought willows only grew in the south!

After the Lake we wound around and around on the wandering Otonabee River.  There were places where the river seemed to go in different directions.   We were glad for the canadian charts & the markers on the water or we would have been lost... wandering through marshes and places where you could see no houses or people. 

It was basically a day without locks having only this one lock at Scott Mills before docking for the day.

During this locking the Captain caught the First Mate sitting down! Uh oh! 

Tomorrow it will be locks all day so we hope to be off just before 9a when the locks open.  We will only travel 10 miles but our harbor host said it will take us 5 hours.  We want to spend some time at the interesting lift lock made in the 1800's by using horses.  Amazing what people did without mechanical devices! 

1 comment:

  1. Finally got caught up on all of your doings! Sounds like you have been having the time of your life. The pictures are amazing!
