Sunday, July 28, 2013

Waiting on Oil Change at Buckhorn Ontario

The mechanic didn't show yesterday but came this morning at 10a!   It took until almost noon to drain the oil and put in 9 gallons of fresh oil.  We considered leaving and going a little ways up the river but it was & is so windy today..... there were a few white caps on the water! 

Our tie up behind the fuel dock. 

We got a free night here due to using their services so decided it would be best to stay put.  It is hard to just do nothing when Miss gg ALWAYS needs cleaning so...... I cleaned the Isinglass on the bridge.... not an easy task with wind blowing and me balanced on the roof of the sun deck for some of this work.

Walter did some sanding and painting and later made an anchor retrieval line from that yellow rope. 

Then we took a walk to town to buy milk and bread... over $8!

We will leave early tomorrow... no locks and just a 20 mile trip at 7 knots except when we have to slow to 5 knots due to “no wake” area.  It will take us about 3 hours to reach Bobcaygeon.  We hope to find the city wall dock empty since all the weekend house boat rentals will be returned by the end of today.  Or we may go far enough to be on the wall at the next lock.

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