Friday, July 12, 2013

A Day of Rest??

We had a relaxing slow morning until.... we heard our new friends starting their engines... we wanted to see what Gallivant, the 57 foot Jefferson looked like in a lock.... if they would possibly put any other boats in with them?  So we hustled to make it down the blue line where they were tying up.  The Captain, Don, does a wonderful job of maneuvering that huge 57 foot motor yacht without bow or stern thrusters! He made it look so easy. As well as did the first mate, Pam, working the lines on the stern. What a team! Here are a few photos.

Leaving Blue Line for Lock

She fills up the Lock!

Good-bye Gallivant!

We decided before it got hot we would walk to Walmart to get a few groceries and Walter needed distilled water for the boat batteries.

So I guess it was not quite a rest day for us after all.  Here is what you can see of where Walter spent the afternoon.
Engine Room

Then GA slow cooked pork chops in the crock pot, a roast in the oven and cooked and cut up chicken breast for future use in meals.

Tomorrow our plan is to go to half way to Kingston and that means about 10 locks! We will need to be on the blue line early tomorrow before the locks open at 9a. There are plenty of boats here wanting to lock up the Canal and we heard that some get on the line at 7a!  Soon we will be at the midway point and actually start locking down toward Lake Ontario.  Pretty exciting for this gal who never thought she would ever see the Great Lakes....... time to wash a few pots and pans!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures of Gallivant...I haven't seen them since the end of March :(
