Tuesday, July 2, 2013


This is how the this city looked to me... sick people everywhere, sniffling, coughing, sneezing & burning up with fevers!  And they were all made to sit as close to me as possible!  This was, of course, not the pretty & clean city of Montreal.  It was the inside the ER at the local hospital here!  I have a severe infection and very much needed an antibiotic which my doc in NC prescribed but no pharmacy here will fill due to her being an American doctor. So we sat in ER until nearly 3p.  It was hard to understand the French language as they called out the assigned numbers...trying ever so hard to recall my high school French from 50 yrs ago.... I knew they were getting close to my #46...once I hollered out "English please" and the nice man smiled and kept calling #s but in English this time. THEN they decided they would call them using their PA system and there was no way I could understand or ask for translation.  So I just got up each time and showed them my number and was directed to return to my seat. There were two women in blue coats with apparently the only job of making sure we all got up and moved to the next seat after a number was called... that way we could share our germs better, don't you know?!

I wanted Walter to leave so one of us would stay well but my faithful sweet husband would not leave me.  When I was finally called in I found out that the visitation there would cost $900! Yea, I left without seeing doc.

Over a late lunch in a cute street cafe we thought about renting a car and driving back to US and having our script filled there... but then we probably would not be able to drive the car across the border!  We even briefly thought of driving the car to border then walking across border... ridiculous!  Doctors in NC were trying to come up with a solution and thought if I called a Walmart here they could transfer a prescription... we found a Walmart but they would not do it.  So dear friends and family I have put this in God's Hands alone.  
Our Lunch Spot (can you spot the Captain?)

The Marina is one block from the Old Town Montreal. The pictures of the “Square” (pedestrian mall) & the Park pictures show where the mob was last night... Walter had gone over to the little convenience store last night when we first got in and he said it was wall to wall people.  Everyone was downtown to celebrate Canada Day.  It is amazing how fast the workers cleaned it all up today!  It is a very clean City.  

                           Lots of horses with Carriages 

                                           City Park

                             In Front of the Entrance to Marina

                             Bicycles for rent in the Park

                                       Part of the Square

                  Fountain across from the Square

                        Restaurant on  Pedestrian Mall

                              Marina Ducklings trying to keep warm

Tomorrow we will continue up the St. Lawrence Seaway to the Ottawa River... we will go through two locks that big ships also use.  Should be an interesting day! 


  1. Sorry to hear you are feeling bad. Try getting your meds again when you're in Ontario. I think they'll be a little more helpful. There's a world of difference between the two providences. They may have a urgent care office that's not so expensive.
