Tuesday, July 23, 2013

WHY Can't a Woman be more like a MAN?!

Remember that song from “My Fair Lady”? That would definitely be the Captain's theme song today!  I doubt he learned anything new today but I sure did!  I am not strong enough to grab a lock cable with a boat hook, pull the boat over and get a line around it with the wind blowing us off the wall.  I have had no trouble doing this when it is not so windy.  Today, it was me or the boat hook going over board..... boat hook splashed down in the lock... I felt like a failure loosing it!   However, I have also felt that if I ever fell into that nasty lock water I would die of disgust before drowning!    Fortunately, the boat hook was ever so nicely retrieved by the lock personnel as it floated into another lock. Hurray!

The Trent-Severn locks are more like the Erie locks.....slime covering the walls & cables....not at all like the Champlain canal with the brand new clean lines they hand you or the Rideau Canal.

This morning we were racing to get off our dock and be at the blue line for lock #1 on the Trent-Severn when it opened at 9a. There was another boat there when we arrived... the lock was closed even after 9a... we thought a boat was probably locking down. That was not the case.... a canal work boat had locked up early before 9a today and so we waited about 30 minutes.... this happened again at lock #2.  This is not a long time to wait... when you understand that the same folks are working all of these 6 locks!  They drive a truck to get to the next lock while the boats are motoring there.  Once they told us to go slow as they were going to have to go around road construction and it would take them longer than us.  Actually, I was surprised at how fast they arrived and opened the lock for us.  Part of the wait was getting the water back down to our level after the work boat locked up the river.

This was still all enjoyable as the sun was not high yet and the cool breeze was blowing and it felt good in the shade... but my “station” is NOT in the shade on the fore deck and it would be very hot later in the sun there.   I drank 4 bottles of water before 3p today.

The first 3 locks and the next 3 locks are done in flights... once you enter the first of them you must complete them... maybe at 12noon we should have quit for the day... it had taken us 3 hours to do the 6 locks and now we were going on to complete 12 today.... I would end up with a migraine from the sun and not being able to move quick enough for the Captain... OH! Why can't a Woman be more like a Man?!

Once after we began this trip the Captain told me I was so emotional.  WHERE has the man been for 48 years?!

There was not much scenery to photograph today... I guess the “Cottage” country is further along the canal.  We were still pretty close to Planes, Trains and Automobiles!

Here is the train bridge we went under shortly after leaving our dock this morning. Those guys have a scary job! 

At a Campground we passed some kids staying cool on some sort of jumping thingy.... sure looked like fun. 

I liked this green house along the waterway. 

This is where I sat between locks... right in front of this side door on the shady side of the sun deck... trying to catch a breeze!

Walter took this picture from the bridge looking down at the sun deck.  I had my legs up on a cooler.. again in front of the sun deck door.

Do you think there are rocks below us?  Red marker on a rock in middle of river. 

We had a thunder storm here when we stopped just after lock #12.   It cooled things off but tomorrow is going to be hot again.... Not sure what the Captain has planned for tomorrow's trip.... check back with us to see where our Adventure leads.....

1 comment:

  1. You look so relaxed in you sun deck chair with beverage in hand. Miss you!
