Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Surprise Visit from New Friends!

This morning we were delighted to see a boat come in here that we recognized... it was “Prowess” with Alice and Barry aboard. The ones we had met at the Smiths Falls locks. They came for gas and then went over to the city dock and tied up and came to chat with us awhile.  It was not yet unbearably hot so we sat on the sun deck.  They are Canadians and travel this way in the summer often. So we learned a lot about the rest of the Rideau Canal like a good place to stop midway between here and Kingston...... we have just one more night before we reach the end of the canal.  And they told us about places along the Trent-Severn Canal and Georgian Bay.  Then they left to “explore” the town which we figured they could accomplish in a very short time... we asked them to tell us if they discovered something we had missed ….... sure enough we saw they pull out in their boat about 30 minutes later!

We had an email today from friends aboard “Sea Glide” from Asheville, NC.  They along with several others changed their minds about the Erie Canal with all the damage delays there and are making their way up here.  Some are already in Ottawa and will be leaving tomorrow to continue moving our way.  We do hope they make it close to where we will be.  It will be fun to see the ones we were rescued with during the flooding in Waterford, NY.

This was really a rest day for us.. mostly... the Captain worked on scrubbing out the shower sumps and putting little knots in my clothes line on the bridge to keep the clothes hangers from sliding together...works great... 

Look close at the picture and you will see those pesky little gnats that have invaded us.  We wash them off the deck and wipe them up from around the night lights each morning but they are soon back again.  Barry & Linda said they don't last long... will go away soon and so will the deer flies that can take a bite out of you big enough to make you bleed.  We have only had one or two of those uninvited guests aboard.

Then the Captain took a well deserved nap.

GREAT NEWS!  As we were chatting with our friends this morning the rebuilt starter arrived with two mechanics to install it! Yippee! Walter started up the engines for a test and they ran fine. Tomorrow we will be positioning Miss gg on the blue line at the Narrows Lock before it opens at 9a.  It will be so awesome to be moving again!

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