Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Portland Ontario to the Bottom of Jones Falls

Sorry, no story tonight about going OVER a falls in Miss gg.  Jones Falls is a set of 4 locks and when the folks here say bottom they mean through all 4 locks as we are now being lowered down in each lock.  This changed at the Newboro Lock # 36 which was the second lock we went through today.  It is the summit of Rideau Canal system.  Another big change is the color of the markers... was red on right and green on the sailors say, “red right returning” when you are returning from the sea.  But now we will be going toward Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence Seaway (big enough to be consider “seas” I guess). This is something the first mate struggles to remember when she takes the wheel!

We began our cruise today at 815a planning on being at the blue line before the Narrows lock opened at 9a. 
Cute Little Round House on way to Narrows Lock

It was absolutely awesome to have the wind in my face again on the fore deck!  This from the gal who has always wanted every hair in place... ha!  I've hardly used any of the 6 bottles of mousse or the 4 cans of hair spray!!

Even though it took us only 10 minutes to get there we were surprised to find the blue line filled up and two boats including our friends, Barry & Alice on the other side of the dock!  No place for us so we drifted waiting..... 

After this lock is a hand operated swing bridge and even the traffic gate was moved by hand by the Lock Master.

Hand turning Lever to Open Swing Bridge

There was a narrow cut going to one of the locks with sharp turns in it. Walter had just said he would hate to meet another boat coming toward us when we saw a sign that said blow your horn.  We did... man! That air horn is loud! 

At the Newboro Lock the lock master put 7 other boats in with us! It is hard to see the two little boats at the very back on each side but they are there. Two small boats in middle are rafted with other boats beside them.  These are mostly Canadians on holiday.

There were beautiful lakes along this canal and each had tall pine forests... 

We passed a tiny ferry boat that surely would not carry more than one car. 

Block House: This was at Jones Falls and it was used long ago to house the Lock Master and to defend the locks in case America might invade. 

I thought the hottest I have ever been was coming up the stair step locks into Ottawa but not so. Today was the worse as far as heat goes.   I have learned to carry water to the fore deck and today, several times, I poured some down my back!  I'm sure it must have looked as though I wet my pants but I sure didn't care.... it felt so good!  Here is a picture of my starboard side deck box that houses my lines (most were attached on deck). Inside is where I put my empty bottles since I couldn't let go of the line to throw them in the trash. 

This photo is from the second of 4 locks at Jones Falls. I tried to show how high we were and where we would be going.... we are tied tonight at that dock in the back ground way down at the bottom. 

Our dock tonight.  Notice three locks in center of photo.

And here is a better photo of those three locks.

We are exhausted!  Just want to wash off the day and get a good night sleep.... Kingston tomorrow for two days.  What a Grand Adventure!

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