Friday, July 19, 2013


The day began by us looking for and finding a very well stocked Grocery store several blocks from the marina.  They did have a good supply of fresh items like fruits & veggies..... but again the brands we are used to were not there.  We love mini bagels but cannot find them in Canada so far.  While Walter finished the grocery shopping I walked to a hair salon where I had made an appointment yesterday.  I was not due for a hair cut quite yet but didn't want to have to find a place on the Trent-Severn Canal which we are beginning in a few days.  Actually, I shouldn't need another hair cut for 2 or 3 months!...unless I get used to looking like a boy! 

West Marine had called to say Walter's parts were in …. sometimes they deliver but after waiting a few hours to see if they would do this we called a cab and rode there.

Here is our sun deck before we brought in the West Marine purchases.

And after we hauled all that load of new parts into the boat.   My shoe locker already has two extra props for the engines.... will I lose it completely now? 

Walter started unpacking the stuff... as soon as he had an empty box I walked it to the dumpster... on the last trip down the dock a lady was yelling at her husband who had just left their large boat... she was saying, "Why are you leaving me in the Storm?!” He was in the parking lot on the other side of our dock... as I walked by her boat she asked me if our lines were tied tight as there was a storm coming with the possibility of tornados!  I said I didn't know about the storm and really nothing looked bad on the horizon. Walter always does an excellent job of securing our boat so I was not worried about Miss gg.

I got to the dumpster thinking I had hardly any photos today... not too interesting of a day to put on the blog....then all of a sudden I was covered in a dust cloud...I could hardly see the dumpster I was approaching!  Something, a strong wind kinda lifted me..... hair and all blew upward... I turned, waiting for the dust to clear, to look at the sky... I was glad I had my camera with me!  The sky was suddenly dark and ominous!  Many places in it could have been the beginnings of a tornado.... I was then thinking, really PRAYING, “Lord protect us... I really didn't need any exciting things to write about... please ignore me!” :-0

Here is the Captain blowing up one of our new fender balls... does he look like he is worried about the storm? NO! Because he is now light headed from the loss of all the oxygen going into that ball! 

It cleared up and the sun came out briefly but now at 8p it is raining with some thunder & lightening.  We may be snuggling in here for another day & night. When we do leave here for Trenton we will be on Lake Ontario but protected most of the time by being between the main land and some large islands...there are two gaps where we will be in open lake water according to our charts.  One is three miles wide and the other is about 2 miles.  Great Lakes water can be just like the water in Oceans during a storm.... so we will not leave on this part of our voyage unless the winds are calmer and the weather brighter for our little cruiser... yeah, it's really "little" when storms are brewing!  

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