Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cruising to Harbor Springs

We left early to try to avoid possibility of rough water later in the day.  The trip would take us over 7 hours plus 45 minutes for a fueling stop at St. Ignace which was about an hour of travel time.   Going there we were rocked constantly by the FAST moving ferries which had already started at 730a.  They go into so many little ports it was hard to predict where they would be moving around our boat... just too many to radio for info.  Fueling was fast as they had two diesel pumps... we quickly spent our $ there! :-0

On our way we passed this lighthouse.

Here we are approaching the Mackinac Bridge.

It is the longest suspension bridge in the World and 135 feet high.  There are two huge concrete anchors at each end that hold the cables.

At this bridge we left Lake Huron and went into Lake Michigan.  Huron waters were so clear at 20 ft at our dock yesterday we could see fish on the bottom and count the rocks.  If it is possible Lake Michigan may be even prettier!  

This next picture will never explain the shock we had at seeing this big boy right behind us before we knew he was there and moved out of the way!  It was over 2 football fields long and that front end, which was three times the height of our boat, had a bow wave wider than our boat is long... he was almost on top of us... we heard a security call on the radio but really couldn't understand what he was saying except that he was passing under the Mackinac bridge.

Then we passed this beautiful tall ship.  We failed to tell him we wanted a picture and moved closer to him...he moved away, we moved closer and he moved away again. Soooo he called us and asked, “Miss gg, what are your intentions?”   How embarrassing!  He was very nice and once he found out what we wanted he “posed” for the picture.  

We had a rough ride today but not quite as bad as the day traveling from Drummond Island to Mackinac Island.  I really felt okay the whole time and having not slept much last night I nearly fell asleep.  I found a better place to sit and the bouncing didn't seem to bother me quite as much today.

We are at the City Docks in Harbor Springs.  There is a pretty park here and an outdoor movie is being shown in it tonight.  In town there were entertainers on two different street corners... very good singers!

Two houses across from Marina.  

Park & Marina.

Marina flowers and restaurant on dock.

Close up 

Good News!  We don't have to set an alarm for tomorrow.  It went off at 530a this morning!   We are only going about 15 miles which will take about 2 hours.  Hurray!  So nice after a long day like today.  It will be nice to fix a leisurely breakfast and talk about our Adventure.

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