Sunday, August 11, 2013

In the North Channel to Gore Bay Ontario

We enjoyed the night swinging on the hook.  Some don't like it like our friends who moved to a quiet cove where the water was completely calm.  By 8:00pm the wind had died down and we were gently rocked to sleep.

It was freezing on the deck when I went to wash down the anchor this morning.  I needed a windbreaker over my sweater as I tried to wash off the sticky gray clay.  

We ended up dragging the anchor with it just under the water to shake it off... still had some on it when we decided to haul it up anyway and cruise out of Baie Fine.

This lighthouse was at the beginning of the harbor of Little Current.....a small town on a channel we had to pass through.  But “Little Current” had a 4 knot current so we were not stopping as it would have been difficult to dock the boat and the wind was strong also.

The town has a swing bridge we had to go through that opens only on the hour... we raced to make the 11am opening but it was still closed.  The chart said the clearance was 18 feet.  We are about 17' 1”.  What do you think looking at these photos....did we make it? 

Then it was time for the Auto-pilot to take over... Praise God for this convenience!  Toasty warm on the bridge with all the isinglass closed.

Looking North shows the vastness of the North Channel.

Looking South beyond this Island is Lake Huron.

Unusual Cloud pattern.

Racing a storm to port.

It has yet to rain here at the city docks at Gore Bay.  Sure hope it doesn't cause I spotted an ice cream place nearby. :-)

As we returned from the grocery store this afternoon three Canadian Custom officials in their black uniforms stopped us and then accompanied us to our boat.  Uh Oh!  It looked pretty ominous with them following us!   But when they found out that we would only be in Canada one more day.. they wished us well and left!

Tomorrow night: The good old USA!  We have so enjoyed this beautiful country.... I sure hope more Adventure awaits us on Lake Michigan... but not too high winds or waves please!  East or West coast?? … we have not decided.... Drummond Island here we come!

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