Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cruising to South Haven, MI

We had another beautiful day on the Lake.  So nice that the Captain took a nap on the cushioned seats on the bridge while the First Mate kept watch for other boats and fish nets in the water.

The water near our boat usually looks green and clear.

We saw what looked like cut out places in the sand hills on shore... but the zoom lens on the camera revealed condos!

Looking way ahead on the water there seemed to be sticks floating straight up but as we got closer it was sail boats... bunches of them.   Not sure if it was sailing lessons or a race.

More sand hills along the way and miles and miles of beaches.

After 7.5 hours we cruised into our Harbor past the South Breakwater light....

and the North Breakwater light

Lots of people out today enjoying Saturday's great weather.  A wedding party was making its way to the light for pictures.

And here is a closer look at the bride.

I was so happy to have a shady path to walk right behind the marina!

The old folks don't always sleep well at night and last night was one of those nights so we will be in bed early tonight for one more long day of cruising before the expected bad weather gets here. And even if it doesn't come we will take some time and stay at our next place for a couple of days.  We hope to be in Michigan City, IL, by this time tomorrow.

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