Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rolling to Ludington, MI

Miss gg had rolled and tossed all night and that was still going on this morning except the squeaking and moaning of the ropes had stopped probably because they were soaking wet from the storm last night.  Rarely have we had to have a hand hold walking around the boat while docked.  So there I was holding on to the counter in the aft head (bathroom) trying not to put my lipstick on crooked when the Captain peeks around the corner of our cabin and asks, “Are you ready for me to pull the shore power?” WHAT?!  We are bouncing around in port and I am to believe it will be okay to travel in Lake Michigan today?!

Yeah, we were really leaving even though it was late morning and I had so looked forward to the pedicure appointment I had made... so sure we would wait until tomorrow as it was to be a good cruising day on the Lake.

Bouncing is one thing but rolling is when the boat goes from side to side as the waves are hitting it abeam as it is called is the worse!  As we bounced & rolled along in one to three foot waves with an occasional higher roller, there was no way I could take photos.  I wanted so much for you to see and feel all of this action.  I thought of strapping myself down to the bow and making a video... I actually did put on life jacket and went to the bow and sat on one of the deck boxes... it was a wonder that I even made it there because each time the boat rolled or nosed dived into a wave I nearly fell.  I took 4 videos and none were any good... I think you would have to be off the boat watching from another place to really capture this wave motion.

After only an hour we slowed down and started into an anchorage... this really upset me as I told the Captain... I didn't give up a pedicure to run up the lake for only one hour!  Of course he was being considerate of me but I was having none of it!  So we went on and on bouncing & rolling along.

Both of us were glad to see the North Breakwater Lighthouse at Ludington, MI.  We had come over 50 miles today arriving about 430p.

As we entered the harbor the Coast Guard installation at Ludington was on our Port side.

Here are the calm waters at this much more protected City Marina.

The City has really enhanced the water front with a lovely large park.

We didn't have time to go into town tonight but it does seem to be more of a larger city than the recent small towns we have visited. We just walked around the park here and found large life size bronze sculptures. This one (not life size) represents the early industry of boats moving railway cars across the lake.

This is dedicated to all the farmers that raised the food to help feed the nation.  The girl has produce in her basket.... the dad tired at end of day rests in his wheel barrow with his little boy.

A horse pulling a big wheel rig for dragging logs.... logging was the first industry here.

Flowers on edge of park and bunches of black eyed susans.

Even the maintenance shed has a flower box with real flowers!

It was 81 here today but to show you that they have had cooler weather here is a maple tree close to where we are docked.

Tomorrow we head out for Muskegon with the forecast saying calmer water... sure hope so...again I didn't really feel like eating when we got to port... a good way to keep off the ice cream?!

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