Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Carnival Ride to Killarney

Early morning, anchor up and cruising!

We have seen many inflatables but this one may top them all.   It was nearly 7 feet tall and looked like lots of fun but I guess the old people were up before the kids came out to play!

Range Lights... I may not have told you when last talking about these navigational aids... but there is usually a High light or range and a low one.  Here is the high one we passed today.

 We were not going the way that would have lined this high up with the low one but took the photo of a low one as we passed by.

Here we are passing the last rocks we will see for a while today as we head “outside” into the Bay.

Now on our Port side we see nothing but miles and miles of water as we enter Georgian Bay which is at the top of Lake Huron.

That was the last picture I took for the next three hours!  It was like riding a bucking bronco. When Walter was fixing the boat up for the long trip he oiled my chair since he had to take it down to get under the console.   I want to especially thank the Captain for the spinning ride today! Wow!   As we rode up a wave I turned to one side and then back when we went down the wave.  If I didn't hold on to the support braces for the bimini I would be spinning and probably pretty sick.  I did wear my sea bands and I tried to do a crossword puzzle but that was making me sick. So I just decided to enjoy the RIDE. :-)  I did mention that the Captain could forget about lunch unless a plastic jar of peanut butter & a spoon would do?

Following our chart we made a turn that put the waves at a better angle to the boat. At about 12noon the water became much calmer. I fixed lunch and then took this picture of the pretty gleam on the water as the sun rose higher.

As we neared the end of Georgian Bay the topography became different... still rocks but now hills. I was wearing a wool sweater the breeze was so chilling so it was easy to think there was snow on these hills. It is not snow but white rocks.

Still plenty of rocks along the shore and inland.

Lighthouse on the rock at the entrance to the channel welcoming us into Killarney.
About 830p we took a walk to the rocky edge of Killarney.   This picture is taken looking East into Georgian Bay.  

Another amazing day ends. 

 We want to thank those friends and family who have contacted us and given us feed back about the blog..... you have given us much needed encouragement and it is wonderful to hear about your lives also....... we miss you! 

1 comment:

  1. These photos are amazing. What a great way to see two countries! Love your blog
