Friday, August 23, 2013

Starring Lake Michigan!

When the highway you are on is Lake Michigan she is always the main character of your Adventure.  Some times the villain and some times she is the wonderful leading lady as was her role today.

Here we are leaving Ludington early this morning and 
searching the horizon to see if the forecast had been correct for calmer seas today.

Ludington Harbor

Yes!  We had a soft rolling sea today! 

Here we are getting close to our destination for the day, Muskegon.  I have zoomed in on the land...we are not this close but stayed within 3 miles of the coast.  Lots of rolling sand hills and beaches.

I love the sun glistening on the water in this photo and to our surprise there was a lighthouse on this shore called Little Sable that could barely be seen with the naked eye but the lens found it!  Can you see it?

Sometimes blue, sometimes green and today beautifully subdued!

After a great day cruising we approached the Muskegon harbor South Breakwater Lighthouse.

And there was also an inter-harbor lighthouse.

On the way to the city marina we passed a NOAA atmospheric research office.

We passed what looked like a lovely park... I was so hopeful being spoiled by the small town waterfronts we have visited on this trip.  

A gathering of Swans!   More than we have ever seen in one place..... does anyone know what they do in the winter?  Do they migrate like geese?   I bet our friend, Mary knows...maybe she will write and tell us.  :-)

Alas, we had to travel across a small lake to get to our Marina and there are no parks, no place to walk and just industrial buildings all around but still we feel blessed to have had a wonderful day on quiet Lake Michigan.

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