Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Good Day to Stay in Port!

The Breakwater Lighthouse  Frankfort, MI

I could tell you that I waited all day for that shot of the lighthouse but it would not be true however the waves were breaking half way up it today.  (photo by Hyams)  We are about 8 blocks from the shore and we can hear the waves crashing on the breakwater from our marina.   We walked out there at 6p tonight and took a few photos.  This is the first time at this beach that we have seen people with surf boards and some wind surfing.  

The high water kept us from getting close enough to take better pictures so it is hard to really see this one but it is the south breakwater where the wind was coming from and the waves are not only breaking on it but going over it!

So far the forecast doesn't look good for tomorrow either.  Last night our boat rocked a lot and one rope sounded like someone snoring!  Tonight, because of the added wind, we have a lot of our fenders (bumpers) down and many ropes trying to hold Miss gg in the center of her slip.  It has just started thundering and there is lightning all around us.   But there is the JOY of Safe Harbor tonight..... we are Blessed!  

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