Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hot & Hazy Day Traveling to East Chicago, IN

Today was not a pretty day for picture taking for two reasons it was a bumpy ride to our next stop and it was hazy.  Also, we were going into a industrial area where we will get the boat hauled. 

The wind had picked up before we left this morning so we knew it was not going to be smooth but was suppose to ease up toward noon which was about the time we were due to arrive in East Chicago, IN. Yep, still in Indiana. We are only about half an hour drive from Chicago, IL, but 2.5 hours by boat.

The first thing I noticed this morning was the HEAVY humidity when I stepped outside to help with the lines.  Reminded me of the Florida Keys it seemed so thick.  Here is this best photo of the day taken when we were leaving Michigan City, IN, with the same Looper boat ahead of us, Second Wind.

At one time this morning we were on a collision course with this long barge and it's tug boat that was almost half as long as the barge. They were coming right at us but seemed far away.  He was moving a lot faster than we were so the Captain changed courses and the next thing I knew this shipment blew past us!

Our dock was near this industrial area. 

As we slowly moved into the marina we noticed lots of rock under the water.  The West side of Lake Michigan is rock compared to the sandy East side.   I was on the foredeck awaiting orders from the Captain to change lines from starboard to port if necessary. But the marina never answered!  So we went looking for the slip assignment and found it but there was one of those little personal watercraft boats in it.  It was tied to the boat in the next slip but still in our slip so there was no way we could get in the slip.  The Captain has gotten really good at backing up and did so very smoothly...all the way back down that row of boats.  

We decided to tie up at the fuel dock and did so alone.. no one came... Walter walked all the way to the marina office that he found LOCKED!   I was loosing confidence in this boat yard! Apparently all had gone to lunch so he called the office on his cell phone but they never did return the call.  We cranked up the generator and waited... at least the AC was working in the salon. The heat was unbelievable today.  It was 95 but the feel like temp was 107 degrees!

We made sandwiches and waited some more.  Finally, the man who tends the fuel dock showed up and asked if we wanted fuel.  After he found out what had happened he called someone and found us another slip and helped us tie up there.

I sure hope they know how to lift a 34,000 lb boat!!???

We have decided to not stay here any longer than we have to...if nothing more is wrong with the boat after the stuffing box is fixed then we are heading for the downtown marina in Chicago, IL, tomorrow afternoon.

Here is a photo of what is behind our dock. This is a gambling ship that just stays there and people come aboard it to play the different money games.  The tall building is a hotel with gambling and has several restaurants.  

We are so hoping and praying that nothing else is wrong with our boat... Walter thinks there is a possibility that one of the prop shafts could be bent... we did hit something a while back below the water.. a big bump but nothing more.

This may not be as lovely a place as we have been but the water is still the star... beautiful clear water even in this kinda run down marina.  

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