Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Stormy to Sunny Day

Woke at 7a and busied ourselves getting ready to depart Parry Sound.  Wasn't looking good with radar showing rain & storms coming but we were determined to leave today.

Walter did all the engine checks, disconnected the shore power and water lines while I made sure everything was put away or tied down knowing it might be a rough ride today.   He started the engines to warm them up.... we were so hopeful!  Then it starts raining and thundering... engines off... Captain napping while we wait out the storm.

Bob from Q's Cabin stopped by to compare radar pictures with Walter.  Both decided it looked like it was about to clear up but just in case we made sure we could have our slip again tonight. Boats were waiting just outside our marina to get in having come from the storm.

When we decided it was time to leave the wind was blowing hard pushing us back into the dock but with help from Q's Cabin and our new Canadian friends we were quickly off and turning toward our destination......further up Georgian Bay.  Q's Cabin left right behind us.  It was good to be traveling with someone else... just in case there was some trouble along the way.

Blue skies ahead.

The water was so many different colors today as you will see in the photos tonight.

Once we got out of the protection of the deep Sound the wind hit us hard... I have two photos of the water but neither one really shows you how bad it was... This is NOT refections on the water but white caps!

Then here is a view from the salon window inside the boat where you are closer to water level.  It felt like the boat would roll over!

It was amazing how quickly the water settled down as you passed into Island areas. Calm water

And then out in the open water

Again we have to watch those markers... rocks just outside of them.

We heard the familiar “securitee” call as someone ahead of us coming our way entered the Canoe Channel... a very narrow channel but thankfully it is short.  The Captain gave our call also saying we would be entering it in two minutes... we waited until that other boat came out.... no room to pass another boat!

Q's Cabin right behind us.

We thought this was a church but when we saw it from the front we knew it was a Range Light.  They are in pairs and are neat navigation aides.  When coming into a harbor you line them up in your eye sight and if they stay together you will be safe entering.

REALLY? GAS here?! 

We named this rock “Bird Rock” and it was our pick for Rock of the day!  :-)

We are anchored tonight in Hopewell Bay completely protected from the weather although the sun is shinning brightly... we thought another storm was coming so we ducked in here instead of going on another hour.

It is so good to be out on the water tonight immersed in the Beauty of Georgian Bay!

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