Saturday, August 10, 2013


I love hiking and at the end of this day we did an awesome hike to the mountain lake pictured above.  Lake Topaz.  We have been told that Georgian Bay and the North Channel are the best of the Great American Loop and we believe it!

820a on our way out of our dock moving west toward the North Channel.

Some of the beautiful North Channel.

Rocks everywhere!

Range Markers: can you see the two white things?  Why white against all those white rocks?!  But we had to line these two up for our passage through here.

Seen on way to our anchorage.

At anchor: Q's Cabin and two other Looper boats rafted up together.

Miss gg at anchor.

We secured the boats and then went to pick up Bob & Monique from Q's Cabin in our dinghy.  We were going to  explore the passage way to the “pool” and to hike a mountain!  The Pool is just the end of the passageway up the water here that opens into a wider area.   This is also where the trails begin.   Here are the 4 Loopers that were rafted up together returning from their trip to the “pool” without climbing any trails... OH! What they missed!!

Monique on trail.

Rugged Creek Bed Trail.  Four guys had actually carried two long canoes and their packs most of the way up this trail...near the top they left them... probably could not have gotten them down into the lake anyway.

Here is our first view of Topaz Lake.

Bob climbed down to the water's edge, took off his shirt and shoes and dove in!

Here is the hill we climbed for the awesome reward of seeing this pristine lake.

Tonight we are overwhelmed with the Beauty of God's Creation!!

1 comment:

  1. In you element here - mountains to climb and a beautiful lake to go back too!
