Sunday, August 4, 2013

Another Weekend Breakdown!

This morning while the Captain was doing his morning chores in the Engine room he discovered water in the pan under the generator and running down into the bilge. This is not good... means the generator is leaking & needs work.... we could not use it if we anchored out tonight which was the plan.  We need it for about an hour each night for cooking and heating water and then again for a short time in the mornings.

Henry, owner of Henry's, told us the only place to get good service would be Parry Sound so off we went with the wind blowing but not as bumping a ride as yesterday.

We were still traveling in the beautiful Georgian Bay.

We passed the entrance to a nice cove....perhaps we might have anchored there tonight.

Foliage along the way.

For all you animal lovers and bird watchers: This is a dedicated pole just for a nest.

BEACH? It looked like light brown sand... not sure if it was just plain dirt or not.  No one on the beach today and we have not seen even the Canadians in the water... brrr!

Just before coming into our port early afternoon we had to get under this bridge or ask them to open it... but they only open it once each hour and and we would have had a 45 minute wait.... I wanted to wait!  I asked the Captain to please do donuts or circles in the water and wait... it just looked too close to me.  He called the bridge tender and asked the clearance.   It was over 18 ft and we are 17' 1” with the mast down.  So under we went!  But apparently even the bridge tender was concerned.... afterward he hollered, “That was close!”  Oh, yeah!

When we came to our dock there were only young kids working here.  They don't really know how to tie up a boat in the wind.... I would tell them how to do it but they still didn't get it... when we were tied enough Walter just told them he would finish it.

Then we went for a walk in town (Parry Sound) and found a good place for a late lunch and then walked some more and found this church built in 1888.

Back at our marina we were pretty excited to see Looper friends, Bob & Monique,  in Q's Cabin pulling into the slip next to us with news that more may be coming soon. 
At 830p tonight the mechanic called and they are working tomorrow! WOW! It's a big Civic Holiday so this surprised us.  AND we don't have to move the boat, another plus.  If they have the needed parts we may be on our way again by Tuesday.

It was a blessing today to be here when our new friends arrived and they are also staying for two nights.  :-)

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