Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Warm Sunny Day in Frankfort

There is a big problem with us staying in one place, especially these lovely little Lake Michigan towns!  So many Ice Cream shops.... we walk and then stop for ice cream so little good the exercise does us.  Hope the Lake settles down soon or we won't fit in our clothes!

After the ice cream pallor we took a long walk out to the Breakwater Lighthouse.

This is looking back at the Shoreline from the breakwater.

Here you can see the long angled concrete walkway on top of the breakwater made with large rocks.

We saw a Coast Guard boat go out and come back... he was really bouncing around out there.  Walter went to the edge to check the wave height in the Lake... this was scary to me.. look where he is standing... it's wet there because every now and then a big wave would break on it!!

I waited a long time holding the camera trying to get a picture of a large breaking wave but this is the best I captured.

We then took a stroll through a part of the town we had not yet explored.   It was about 3 streets over from main street.  We found a house with this unusual roof.

And then by accident we found the home of local artist, Ellie Harold.  She was out in the front yard and introduced herself.

She has her Michigan barn & 
countryside oil paintings all over town and a large display at the Coast Guard building here.  She grew up and lived many years in Atlanta so she is not a native here but loves the cooler weather.  She was an RN and then became a Unity Minister and is now an artist!  The neat thing was she invited us into her studio and then we got a tour of her home built in the 1800s and remodeled by she and her husband.  It still had the original gorgeous maple floors and brick/stone fire places.... different colors tastefully done in each room... so pretty!  And her paintings enhanced each room.

She told us that the summers are perfect here, not too hot or humid for painting.  I asked her about the winters.  She talked about the quietness that the snow brings.  Tourists have gone and neighbors begin to see more of each other.   The silent snow and the warm friendships.....

Tomorrow there are small craft warnings in effect for the day. The winds are predicted to make waves from 3 to 5 feet close to shore 5 to 8 feet, occasionally 12 feet five miles from shore! Yeah, we will be staying put!   I think we can make it another day here without getting antsy to be on the move but so hoping Thursday will be a good boating day on Lake Michigan. 

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