Saturday, August 3, 2013

Rolling on Rough Water to Fryingpan Island

I had not washed down the anchor in a long time.... hoped I remembered how to do this.  The chain was fairly clean but the anchor had lots of stubborn gray clay on it... finally decided to just leave some on it and pulled it up and motored off.  The wind had picked up and the water was rolling... forecast was for up to 3 foot seas.  So we rocked and rolled along.  Way too bumpy to get out on deck and take photos...a shame since I found a house for sale on a big rock.... I was sure one of you might be interested in cooler summer temps. :-)

Apparently it was a restless night for the Captain who was up a lot checking the mark he put on the GPS that would tell him if the boat moved perhaps indicating that the anchor was dragging.  We couldn't use the Drag Queen anchor alarm since we didn't want to turn on our USA cell phone.  I love sleeping when we are on the hook.... the boat just rocks you to sleep..... I never heard Walter get up once!

The ride today was really bumpy... I couldn't move to go down in salon or galley without holding on to everything as I went and I only went down to get my sea bands.. the wonderful wrist bands that work to keep you from being seasick.   I really thought I was used to this by now but I wasn't taking any chances.

As I was working my way back up to the bridge I heard the Captain say, “You've got to be kidding!”  I looked and held on to the Captain's chair to take this photo.  He was going to have to get the boat between those two markers!

I needed a post office and Walter was not feeling too well after no sleep last night so we stopped early and decided to stay for the night at Henry's on Fryingpan Island.  Loopers talk about this place being a great place to eat.

Turns out it is also a commercial airport!  Planes docked with the boats...small private planes and some bigger commercial ones.

Taking off after lunch at Henry's.  

The Captain tells me he was told there was a post office close by...we just needed to follow a path...…. turned out to be quite a walk through the woods and over a few BOULDERS!   But I happily went not knowing what the “path” would look like...and I was trying like crazy to keep up with the man!   I love hiking but I had forgotten to bring my hiking boots and my trekking poles on this cruise!  Stepping down from boulders without my poles hurts my bad knee!  Plus I still had my boat shoes on ..... not good at all for long walks! 

See how far ahead he is.... never coming back to check on me or help me down a big rock!  Can you even find him in this picture?!

I called him so he would turn around and my thought taking this picture was, “one last photo of the Captain before I kill him!”

Can't throw him over board as they would find the body!  Clear green water on shore beside our dock.

As a famous fictitious character once said, “Tomorrow is another day”! And the Captain & I have been blessed with over 17, 760 tomorrows so I think we will make it another day to explore more of God's creation as we make our way toward the North Channel visiting more inlets and coves in this beautiful Bay.  

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