Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Gathering of Loopers

The day began with rain which increased just about the time I had to find my way back to where we went yesterday for my pedicure appointment and hair cut.  I was really nervous about going by myself!  However, due to the kindness of a stranger who just happened to live on the 79th floor of the Aqua Condo (pancake structure) I was able to find the correct bus.  He actually walked me to the corner and pointed out where I needed to go.  Along with his help and two or three phone calls to our tour director, Cherie, I made it there and back.

The sidewalks were crowded with folks taking advantage of the Labor Day sales and traffic seemed just as heavy as on work days... later, on the way back I found out they were filming a movie in front of the Randolph House (tall building) and many streets were blocked off and no one was allowed to stand and watch... they asked us to keep moving! Bummer!  But being an old lady I figured I had the right to move SLOW.  Ha!  Still I never really saw what was being caught on camera.

It took me longer than I had expected to make it home and so I had only a short time to get ready for the Looper's dinner party at the Harbor Host's beautiful condo,  It over looks Lake Michigan and the Natural History Museum.

I thought this might be a good time to Take A TAXI!   But the Captain thought we could figure out the buses and thus we arrived only a few minutes late.  We had a fun time enjoying Chicago Style Pizza and salad and desserts.

And here's the Chicago First Mate's Club.

Only two couples at the party were staying at our marina. The others were at a marina closer to this condo.  I only recognized one other couple there but it was fun meeting new folks.

After the party, some called taxis and some rode their bikes and the crew of Miss gg walked a few blocks to a bus stop!  We got on the right bus, got off at the right corner and then walked the wrong way!  So we had a little bit longer stroll tonight enjoying the brightly lit streets.

I am not sure what building this is but thought it was worth a photo.

Arriving at our dock we found lively entertainment going on outside the Chinese Restaurant.  A very good trio!

Then a perfect conclusion to our day came at the end of our dock..  FIREWORKS!  

Happy Labor Day Weekend Everyone!                 

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