Tuesday, August 6, 2013

WHAT?! No More Magenta Line?!

After dinner last night we met a very nice Canadian couple, Steve & Judy, who were docked near us.  We asked them to take that picture of the four loopers in last night's blog.   Then we began to ask lots of questions about where to go in Georgian Bay & the North Channel.  Steve wanted to lay out a chart to show us so they came aboard Miss gg along with our looper friends and we talked until after 10p. about places to see and good anchorages.  Later, something really bothered us... there was not going to be a “magenta” line on the chart that shows where the small craft channel is located when we enter the North Channel.  Uh Oh!  I thought too much about all of this and later saw photos on line of first mates lying down on the bow sprit to see & point out underwater rocks to their captains!  As you know by now, I LOVE adventure but may have reached my limit!  I did not sleep well last night!  The Dockage here is free tonight so we decided to stay another night and rethink our plan.

Since Walter is also not too thrilled with more rocky bottom places we will skip one anchorage and after tomorrow night go out in the open Bay (if weather permits) to Killarney... the end of Georgian Bay and the beginning of the North Channel. THEN we will have more decisions to make.

It was fun today watching boat after boat come into the docks here. Walter had his binoculars ready and spotted several looper boats.  And as they had done for us we all met them at the dock whether we knew the Loopers or not.  Monique organized a party at 5p up at the picnic area here... they call these gatherings “Docktails”.. everyone brings their own drink, wine, beer, soda or water.  It was fun comparing notes/telling about our individual adventures as all of us have recently been in a lot of the same places.   When we brought up the fact about no more "magenta" line on the North Channel charts, more than one Captain left to check their charts!  

We met boaters from Fox Island, WA, to Rockport, TX, to KY and FL!  Here is a group photo from tonight.

And here is the First Mates Club of Parry Sound.  

Some of these are from the group of loopers caught in the flood at the Erie Canal. There are still more to come...... As I type this it is raining hard. What will happen tomorrow?.... an Adventure, of course!... with or without a “magenta” line!   

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