Friday, August 2, 2013

From Locks to ROCKS!

We left our mooring at about 925a and headed down the canal for one last lock... number 45 on the Trent-Severn. This canal is 240 miles long and at the highest point it is 840 ft above sea level.

When we arrived we saw our friends, Bob & Monique in Q's Cabin tied at the end of the blue line.  Bob had gone to talk the lock master into taking them into a nearly filled lock and he succeeded! We then docked our boat, waved good-bye to them and went to the mini mart nearby for two cases of water.  Then we entered the lock and wouldn't you know it....we had one last squeezed situation..... this boat was inches from Miss gg!

THE most important thing we read today was this sign above the lock gate! 

We thought the red and green would not change again until we got into the small craft channel later today... but we were wrong!

Then came what some have called the “Gauntlet”... so very important to know which side of those markers you need to be on when there is a swift current like under this bridge AND lots of rocks!

Here is our first view of Georgian Bay.

Rocks everywhere!

This rock was actually ON THE CHART on the GPS!  It is called Flat Rock but notice in the photo the rock just under water in front of Flat Rock to the right.

It's the truth, ROCKS are just outside the markers!

We made a sharp turn to follow the channel and were surprised to find the channel filled with boats!  It is a three day weekend here, a Canadian Civil holiday.  We wondered if anyone coming toward us would move over to allow our deeper draft vessel to be in the middle of the channel???

I did delete a lot of “Rock” photos.. really I did!

These houses could only be reached by boat.

Marker on ROCKS.

A storm was brewing so we sought an anchorage and found the entrance to Indian Harbor.

The Indian greeted us as we cruised passed.

We got the anchor down and set just in time.

It rained and blew for about 30 minutes. But the sun is back out now.

Here is our view from Miss gg of our anchorage tonight.

I doubt the scenery will change much in the next few days... so all we may be posting is “the rock of the day” photo. :-) Sure is pretty here.

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