Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Day in Georgetown, SC

It was a misty windy cold day in Georgetown as we walked along Front Street. We were only out of the boat to find a church this morning and after about 8 blocks we were warmly welcomed by several standing just inside the door of our chosen place of worship.  And considering my very short hair was no doubt standing straight up & we were clad in jeans....well, the folks there were very gracious.

The day before we got here a Looper boat came in ….Island Time was the name and aboard were Steve & Regina with their tiny doggie.

Regina took a picture of us in front of the Miss gg....we were so cold!

On the outside face dock here are two replicas of Columbus' boats, the Nina & the Pinta.  We were only allowed on the decks ...all modern below...we were told that the passengers on the Nina lived on the upper deck.



This is a neat little town with lots of history but most everything was closed today....however, we did take a short walk to glean what we could. Here is the town clock which was added to the old (1842) town hall in 1845.

It was made of bricks like the town hall it is attached to.....after a fire burned many wooden structures on this main street.  In this building the town council surrendered Georgetown to US. Navy Officers on Feb. 24, 1865.

We continued a short walk shivering all the way...…...even the ducks went to town..water just too rough for them also!

Small park on one corner in town.

Oak trees, just getting their spring green, lined the street in both directions.  

Town end 

Residential end of this street.

Pretty old oak.

Our small marina is filling up tonight. This is Free Spirit.

Another looper came in.....they are just starting the Loop from Ft. Lauderdale.  Here is Carolyn doing her first mate thing on the bow as they tied up.

Their Looper flag was so pretty and white.... I remember when we were teased about our newbie white flag by Loopers who had nearly completed the Loop...we said nothing...just welcomed them in port. Their boat is "Pour House" (last name is glass with name on boat) which she said they may change to "Poor House"!!

Another two boats behind us.

A sail boat on our port side.

We are so looking forward to warm sunshine tomorrow! AND hoping those boats behind us leave before we do especially if the wind is still blowing as hard as it has today.  Home is getting closer!

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