Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Cold Windy Ride to Georgetown

Forecast was for 70% rain today so we had planned on staying put at Charleston.  However,this morning, looking at weather radar, it appeared it would completely miss us. So even though it was later than our normal start we began to get ready to run up the ICW.  Slowing us down more was the need for a pump out.  The wind whipped us around at the fuel dock but finally we were tied securely & proceeded with the emptying of our holding tank.

It was 1030a before we had dropped the lines and headed north on an overcast day.  At one of the inlets we could clearly see the ocean and there were some big breakers out there.  So windy AND cold.....I had forgotten that when it is cold and there is NO radiant sunlight it is freezing on the bridge.  We just kept adding layers of clothing all day!  But the Captain's hands never did warm up while holding that metal wheel. The Florida boy will NEVER want to travel again with no sunlight.

Heading away from our marina there was some fog but we could see about one mile ahead.

Before we got out of the harbor this machine gun armed Coast Guard boat passed us.

Fort Sumter off in the foggy distance.

Ferry Boat on the way to Fort Sumter.

Some houses on Isle of Palms.

Close up.

Nothing like having a little white picket fence for your cottage on the water!

This boat was in trouble...stalled out..maybe hit a log we saw up ahead in the water...Tow Boat US was there to help.

Some more houses along the way.

Cute house, pretty yard.

But THIS was our favorite.... just looked like some fun folks lived there.

So many sea gulls following us today that we couldn't even count them.

Beautiful tall sea grass.

It was close to being dark when we arrived here tonight. We knew the marina would be closed but they told us where to dock and some nice folks from a sailboat and a motor yacht came to help us tie up.  It was not too difficult as the wind blew us against the dock this time. We will be here two nights waiting on a sunny day.

We thought we would be home by Easter so we are glad to have found a church within walking distance of our dock. Praise the Lord!....... He is Risen!

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