Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Rainy Day in Thunderbolt

The rain began early this morning and continued off & on  most of the day slowing down just a little bit ago. We are glad to be tied at a dock with electricity as the temps are dropping fast...gonna be down in the 40s here tonight!

When we arrived yesterday we docked right across from a couple we met last May in Norfolk, Bob & Ginny Roche. They call Savannah home so we didn't expect them to be on their boat but there they were! They have finished the Loop but had rented their house for 3 years so they are still living on this little boat.  Yes...they did the whole Loop in this 32 foot boat!


They only have a two foot draft so they were able to go places we couldn't.  However, they did run aground one time due to not watching the channel markers. They graciously dropped me at a mall so I could walk about 4 miles inside today.  Then Ginny & I got together this afternoon to share our loop adventures...fun.

Before I headed back to our boat this afternoon I snapped a picture of “Humbug”, a cute Nordic Tug.  This is Peter and Carolyn's boat.   We met them in Alton, MS on the Mississippi River. They will complete the Loop at their home in Rhode Island.

Glad for a forecast day of sunshine and no rain tomorrow.  We plan to drop the lines early for a long run up the ICW.  

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