Friday, March 7, 2014

Winter in Florida?

This morning we began with a temperature that was only one degree warmer than our home port of New Bern, NC. Then later we were actually 6 degrees colder!!  It never climbed out of the 40s today with the wind gusting at 25mph!  Are we really in Florida?

I do not know what made me throw in my long underwear at the last minute before leaving home back in May but I did and have been glad for it several days this week. This trip, we were told, would follow the good weather, up the east coast in spring into Canada in the summer, down the midwest rivers in the beautiful fall and then lastly winter in warm Florida.  Hummmm?

Miss gg was not meant to be a cold weather boat. The Captain has even considered firing up the cats (the boat's two caterpillar engines) to warm up the floor in the salon. We have stuffed cloth diapers, normally used to clean the isinglass, in the sliding windows to plug up the air leaks.  And we have taped up the exhaust fans in the heads and galley that are taking turns blowing in cold air depending the direction of the wind.  

Even though it was cold we made an attempt to use our free tickets from this marina for Marineland just across the street here.  Walter called them to see how much of their research displays were outdoors and was told all of it was outside and not wind protected. The lady recommended we stay in our boat and “eat hot food”!

I did get out to walk in the Hammock for a few miles......wearing many layers of clothes....took about one hour to warm up hands and fingers afterward!  On the edge of the Hammock I found this hope of spring......some blooms!

I don't know if the forecast for some sun and warmer temps tomorrow is correct but if the sun shows up there will be plenty of smiles around this marina!

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