Monday, March 24, 2014

The Anchor Windlass

After FOUR long hours today the motor and the windlass was finally wrestled free. Before it finally let go of Miss gg, a sledge hammer was used and I think I heard a saw being used also. The banging vibrated through the boat. We could only see the legs of the service tech as he worked up in the chain way could have the Captain, with his sore back, climbed around in there! Without the complete diagnosis it appeared a new windlass...expensive...would have to be installed. But the good news is that the company that made it is still making this $4,000....more than any other new ones we have seen advertized!! So, we are hoping any new parts needed are readily available. Hope to know more tomorrow.

In the meantime, our plans may change again..... we may hang out here in FL until a friend's wedding in Tampa in mid April. (of course this has nothing to do with the fact that it is still COLD in North Carolina!) We were going to rush home and drive back to this event. Yep! We are spoiled by the cruising mentality...NO Rushing Allowed! Now, if I can figure out how to plan the Anniversary event from afar........

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