Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cruising to New Smyrna Beach

It was a bright cool morning when we pulled out of our slip at Titusville.  As the Captain slowly moved us forward the First mate called out directions to clear that BIG outboard engine on the dinghy around the Starboard pile....always a challenge.

We moved into the channel leading from our marina to the Intracoastal Waterway.

Yes, we decided to go north and hope for warmer weather to come before we leave Florida.  Our spirits were lifted despite the cool weather because it was a beautiful day on the water and just moving along made the First mate happy as she stood on the deck coiling up the lines and tucking them into the deck box.

Soon we approached this train bridge which stays open unless a train is coming.

It used to have a bridge tender in this house but now it is “automated”. 

Pretty sail boat.

Paddle boarding in the ICW.

Many islands were created when sand from the channel was dug up and deposited nearby.  The birds have claimed this one.  

Here we are approaching the Haulover Canal Bridge.

Before that photo was taken is where the trouble of the day began!  I was asked to take the wheel for the Captain...I really was nervous about doing it because it looked like two boats, one was big, were coming toward us and the channel was narrow and we were not going slow. AND the channel was not yet lined up with the bridge...I had to angle the boat.  Captain says just point it straight ahead which in my mind was impossible!  So I found out that after more than 10 months I still cannot pilot this boat correctly!  The reaction of the Captain was a bit over the top....did he think I intended to run Miss gg aground?!!!  We didn't hit the sand but came very close!!

Under this bridge and then up the Haulover Canal for one mile.

A nice trawler, “In the Mood”, passed looper flag.

We passed a very crowded RV park.

As we approached New Smyrna the wind picked up churning the water into white caps.

Under this bridge and then our dock.

Fishing pier under bridge.

The free city docks, two, are rounded!  It took us over 30 minutes to figure out how to get the boat docked.

Hoping to stay here a couple of days enjoying this town that has some surprising history.

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