Friday, February 28, 2014

Old Friends and New Friends

Yesterday some friends we met in Norfolk the first month of our Loop trip showed up here and docked next to us! So good to see their smiling faces again and catch up on their adventure.

Bob & Janet in front of their boat “Harmony”.

I had wondered how I would do walking over a nearby bridge since I have been a flat lander living along our NC coast for over 3 years now.  So today I walked across this bridge...the middle of the bridge is 1.24 miles from our boat.  I continued the walk to Merritt Island and then walked back over it.

It has a gradual rise and was not hard at all. The view from the center top of the bridge is looking down the ICW where we came from and that is a small island in the the distance to the right is the Vertical Assembly Building at the Space Center on the Cape.

A new boat, "Knot Home",  came in late this afternoon. They are from Baton Rouge and the first mate was raised in New Orleans... I could have listened to her sweet accent all night! They have recently started the Loop from Kentucky where they bought their boat.  

Dock-tails tonight aboard Harmony.

The Newbies are to the right of the photo..Kaye has dark hair and her hubby, Al, sitting behind her has a gray hair.

As I write this I am pretty sure we are going to head north tomorrow but ever so slowly.....only going 4 hours to New Smyrna Beach.....IF we can find their odd shaped city docks.  But just in case we did make a call to the marina in Vero Beach to see if they had room for us...they did.....and if the wind is blowing very cold in the morning....who knows where Miss gg might be found by tomorrow night???

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