Monday, February 17, 2014

Beautiful Day on the Waterway

I am always a bit nervous about handling the lines & my other duties when we have been in port a long time. Each time in Vero that we went over to the fuel dock for a pump out there was always someone to grab our lines. Not today. The Captain told me to loop the bow line, I did, and then jump off the boat and catch the stern line he would throw me. Praise God all my joints cooperated and I hit the dock with both feet and no pain! and tied off the stern.

When we arrived at this fuel dock there was a pretty red pontoon boat ahead of us.

Miss gg along side the fuel dock.

These are the duplex condos across from the fuel dock..each has it's own pier.

And now we are headed out of our marina and into the channel to the Intracostal Waterway... ICW.

It was too hot for long sleeves at the dock but once on the water we enjoyed a cool breeze that made us glad we had warn warmer clothes....going up to 80 today in Vero Beach.

There are more retired Fortune 500 CEO's here than any other location in the world!  Don't know who lives in these two but they sure were massive! 

Our destination was only 4 hours to an anchorage near Melbourne, FL. All the time we motored along, porpoises of all sizes played beside Miss gg. They are fast! I did manage to capture two in photos.

Still near Vero we approached our first bridge.

 Would it be high enough..oh, yeah, 65 feet.

This house had the most unusual roof design.

As we came around to the other side of the house it appeared that no one was living in it...yard was unkept.

Second bridge we went under....that orange sign said “under bridge construction”....we ducked and nothing fell on us!

A little red tug boat came toward us.

 We thought it might be the coast guard but it was “Arctic Scout”.... was it too cold up north for him?

Soon the Captain was telling me to “prepare” the anchor. Hummm? Would I remember what that meant..... truthfully, until I got out on the foredeck I wasn't sure.... but I did! Yea! The anchor caught quickly which was a good thing as the Captain ended up having to pull most of the chain by hand out of the chain locker.....our windlass (motor that pulls the chain out) is still not working right.

We are anchored tonight near this bridge which crosses from the mainland to the beach at Melbourne.

There are also two small sailboats in our anchorage.

Love being on the water, love being on the hook and being rocked to sleep tonight!

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