Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hanging Out in Vero Beach

My desire to write has overwhelmed the fact that there is not much to write about! We have now been here over two weeks waiting for repairs to be completed on our radar.

Under a very cloudy sky this morning in almost dead calm waters we moved the boat to the fuel dock to pump out our holding tank. It was probably one of the easiest times we've had moving the boat to & from any slip with tall piles......keeping the large dinghy engine from hitting the piles...NO wind was the main reason....well, okay, the Captain has become expert at moving Miss gg in and out of tight places but the First mate gets an honorable mention here also.

The sky this morning.

We have been here long enough to enjoy warm weather returning to FL.....temps in the lower 80s the last few days which is actually a bit higher than normal. Other than doing the everyday things like washing clothes, cleaning & cooking I have delighted myself in long walks (4 to 6 miles) each day at Grand Harbor which is where our marina is located.

There are over 2,000 acres in Grand Harbor which has single family homes, condominiums, duplexes or villas. They offer 1,2,3,4 bedrooms in every size and price range from $150,000 to over $3,000,000!

Here are some of the beautiful places I get to walk each day.

A couple of duplexes.

This duplex area has its own putting green.

All the large buildings are near the golf course, ponds or river.

I love this part of my is near the end and the shade is wonderful.

I had never heard of the American white pelican. They are so pretty compared to the brown pelicans. They migrate 1500 miles from Canada. They seem more graceful because they do not crash dive for fish as you may have seen the brown pelicans do. They “herd” the fish and then dip their beaks into the water and scoop them up.

There was only one here for many days...they usually come in the fall but yesterday the others showed up and they are in almost every pond on the grounds here. What you can only get a hint of in this photo is the black tips on their wings...very pretty when flying.

The home stretch.

One of several condo buildings along the marina.

This is the building that houses the marina office, the laundry and the Captain's lounge. In the court yard there is the pool with tables and chairs.

Our dock.

Was I ever surprised to find the Captain on the sun deck roof when I returned this morning! He was installing the radar that had been delivered yesterday...we just found out today! Sadly, it still doesn't work so we will remain here another few days.

The end of a good day....the sky on fire.

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