Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Little Scare on Smooth Water

This morning the anchor felt like it was buried in cement....it had caught hard as soon as we dropped it last night. After getting all extra chain pulled up the Captain backed up on it and it popped out. We cleaned off the last of the sand by dragging it through the water. I got it up and locked in place and we were off on this beautiful calm morning.

Water like silk.

A pretty almost windless day as we moved toward our destination......so calm...we were really enjoying it and thought we would soon cruise into our marina at Titusville on an uneventful day. But there was a moment that we thought this might not happen. It occurred so fast...I didn't get the picture of the day! We were in a place where the ICW narrows and was very shallow on both sides of the channel. A sail boat was ahead of us on the starboard side almost out of the channel.......we would soon be passing her. And as we did, another sail boat came fast toward us but was way too far on our side of the channel. So we moved over to give her room and at the same time a large fast power boat was trying to push past on our Port side from behind us.......four boats ended up side by side in the narrow channel!!! I thought we would touch the sail boat that was passing between us and the power boat!!! Whew! By some miracle no hulls bumped!

The Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at Cape Canaveral where the Saturn Moon Rockets were put together.

We went under 5 bridges today that were all very high except this one.

The mast had to be lowered but we had no problem passing under the NASA Causeway Bridge.

As we approached Titusville we saw lots of tall condo buildings along the shore....some cities, like Vero Beach, restrict buildings over 4 stories.

Under the last bridge and a turn to port side and we saw the mooring field of our marina where many boats were moored to balls.

Then we were directed to our slip and told we might need to wait until an attendant could help us dock. We told them we would go ahead and try to do it ourselves. Several folks that came to help.

This gal “posed” for a photo and told us about a gathering on the dock near our boat that would be happening tonight.

Here she is with her husband.

This is the couple next to us who have sailed to Mexico and Central America in their motor sailer.

Perhaps the picture of the day could have been me lassoing a tall pile that was several feet from the boat.... I couldn't even believe it myself when that big loop thrown hard and high landed around that pile!!! And YES, I hollered, “WAHOO!”

After we were tied up some old friends of ours from New Bern who had moved to Titusville dropped by.  Russ & Bonny

I think we will enjoy being here on this Friendly dock for a few days.

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