Monday, February 24, 2014


A wonderful word, “Friends”, but never sweeter than when it refers to those who have known you since your children were little. The ones that were there for you in the middle of the night when there was a family crisis, or when .you just needed someone to remind you that all was in God's hands......

Yesterday we had a visit from just such friends, John & Gayle.  Here Gayle is checking out the Captain's view.

And John tried out the Captain's seat, too.

We had lunch on Miss gg and talked a long time getting caught up on each other's families. Then they took us to a place that is known far and wide!  A restaurant I have walked by all week never knowing it was famous, written up in several magazines and people come from near and far on the weekends to eat at this awesome seafood place called...

The grounds around this large building have plants and ponds.

 But mostly they have seats .....lots of them

....Many wait on weekends to get into this restaurant for their delicious shrimp.  I took these pictures mid-afternoon today when it was not busy.

Thanks John & Gayle for coming to see us!

We are hoping they will join us for a short cruise up the waterway before we leave Florida..........  

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