Thursday, February 27, 2014

Titusville Sun Rise

This was our early morning view yesterday.

And just like the saying, “Red in the Morning, Sailors take warning”, we had thunder storms rocking the boat more than ever at the marina in the middle of the night!!

The weather has turned cold (54 degrees!..yeah, I know you have it worse up north) and looks like it will be this way for another week here.  We are anxious to move along & continue our trip up the Intracoastal waterway. However, we are now even considering going back south to Vero Beach....or maybe Costa Rico! WHERE is our warm weather anyway?!

In the mean time it seemed appropriate to share something that appeared recently on the America's Great Loop Cruiser's Asso blog ....Symptoms of being on the boat toooo long..............

1-The computerized voice of NOAA marine weather sounds sexy
2-Working in the bilges is the highlight of the day
3-Happy hour resembles a visit to a funeral home
4-Looking forward to a colonoscopy back home
5-Disassembled the windlass for the second time, just because it wasn't clean enough
6-Rotating clothes so those not worn frequently will be first to grab
7-A woman says "This is a great WalMart!”
8-Your crew is discussing a burial at sea, yours!
9-That one good door to slam on the boat just fell off its hinges
10-Thinking seriously of accepting a birthday party invitation from back home, for a neighbor's parakeet

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