Thursday, February 13, 2014

Windy Day in Port

I was awakened by a sudden steep rolling of Miss gg this morning. It had been windy when we went to bed but this wasn't one of those gentle rolls that put us to sleep. Another boater in the marina had felt the same thing at about the same the day was about to dawn.....we think it was a wake from a boat coming or going in this marina.

Today the wind has been steady at 25 MPH and gusts up to 35 swirled all around us...bumping our boat on its fenders and making the lines moan and almost sound like they are growling their protests. The Captain had to tightened our bow lines first thing this morning. We certainly are not complaining though....loving this weather even it if did only top out in the 60s today.

Here are some sights from around our dock. This is Greg, a Gold Looper (they completed the Loop a while back) aboard “Amalia”. The second mate, Leslie, was not available at the time I knocked on their hull which I know now was WAY too LOUD! When knocking on fiberglass or wooden hulls you must knock firmly so the occupants will hear you.  I had no idea that the hull was steel!  I wouldn't be surprised if Leslie still has a head ache!

Their boat is very unique and was actually made where we live, New Bern, NC.  Greg is only the second owner.  It is kinda like a river barge type boat. They have plants, maybe herbs, growing out on their aft deck.

The Sail boat, “Walkabout” on our starboard side.

On our port side is our friend Tom's boat, a beautiful Grand Banks.  Love the name! 

He doesn't live here but comes now and then for a couple of days to work on it.

To make our night more peaceful the Captain tried a trick that has worked for us in the past.  He is pouring water on a line here to make it stop moaning.

A friend in New Bern, Sue, wrote that we should plan on being away until May...they are so not used to this awful winter weather.  Some of our family in NC are without electricity, cuddling in front of their fire places.....where ever you gather tonight we wish all our snow bound friends and family a warm night's sleep....and perhaps, as our daughter Joanna would say,  a vision of a "happy place" at the end of the boardwalk where the ocean runs.......

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