Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Visitor on our Dock

As we left to meet friends this little guy was sitting on our dock.

He didn't fly away as we climbed down the ladder.  We were concerned that he was ill or injured as he allowed us to get very close and when we turned to walked away he followed us a little ways.

My nephew, Matthew, an amazing nature photographer, told us this bird is a Royal Tern with winter plumage.

 Later when we returned he was gone.....we are hoping he was just stopping by for a snack.......perhaps other boaters have fed him?

Today is a blustery day.......but hopefully Monday will be a good cruising day.  Yes!  We have made our plans to depart Vero Beach on Monday, February 17.  We heard the snow was melting up north but now another storm coming...??!  So we will keep moving slowly up the waterway.  Monday's cruise will only take us about 4 hours to an anchorage near Melboroune. 

 Ahhh the Cruising mentality.....lovin' it!

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